
Aviation safety status lights are critical to operations on wellhead platforms and, therefore, require a reliable power source suitable for operation in dangerous environments. Orga BV provided a dependable, low-maintenance solar system using the robust Morningstar TriStar MPPT™ charge controller for Shell’s Champion project in Brunei.


Jack-up platforms often serve as offshore hotels and heliports for workers and visitors commuting by helicopter to and from oil and gas wellhead platforms. As such, they experience heavy use. Aviation safety status lights are critical to operations, providing visual warnings to alert pilots whether a helideck is safe for landing. To simplify installation complexities, this critical warning light system often requires its own reliable and robust solar power system with high power availability, autonomous operation, and simple routine maintenance. With potential for explosive atmospheres on the helideck, and on the platform in general, the solar power system also requires certification for installation and operation in such conditions. Orga BV provides dependable, effective status lighting systems powered by solar to meet the tough demands of these applications.


One example is Shell’s Champion project with wellhead platforms off the coast of Brunei, a nation on the island of Borneo amid Malaysia and the South China Sea. In 2019, Shell employed Orga to provide quick installation of helideck wave off lighting with components suitable for Zones 1 and 2 hazardous location areas.


Orga equipped the helidecks with its trusted L425EX-700 high-intensity warning beacons powered by a solar array. The explosion-proof LED light system interfaces with the platforms’ fire and gas detection system. The Orga solution provides reliability, long life, easy installation, extended maintenance intervals, and low power consumption. The result: a quickly operational, proven, reliable, and trusted compliant system meeting Orga’s client’s demanding needs. “Approximately 10 years ago, we standardized using Morningstar controllers in our solar power systems for use in safety-critical power systems for offshore oil and gas assets,” Remco Vonk, General Manager Asia & Pacific, Orga BV, said. “Morningstar products have proven to be ‘fit and forget.’ With Morningstar, we know we won’t have to go back for expensive service calls in the field.”