20 Amp Solar Charge Controllers

Browse the 20 amp solar charge controllers below to find the one that best meets your needs for your application. The SunSaver and SunLight controllers are Professional Series controllers that are offered globally. They use PWM charging technology so they should be matched with PV arrays that do not exceed the controller’s current rating. The EcoBoost MPPT is an Essential Series controller is offered outside the US and Canada. It comes in metered and non-metered versions. Since the EcoBoost uses maximum powerpoint tracking charging technology, it can be installed with oversized solar arrays that exceed its charge rating, but its Voc rating must not be exceeded.

EcoBoost MPPT

Charge Rating: 20 | 30 | 40 | amp

Batteries: 12 | 24 | Volt

Max Voc: 120 V

Essential Series , MPPT |


Charge Rating: 6 | 10 | 20 | amp

Batteries: 12 | 24 | Volt

Max Voc: 30 | 60 V

Professional Series , PWM |


Charge Rating: 10 | 20 | amp

Batteries: 12 | 24 | Volt

Max Voc: 30 | 60 V

Professional Series , PWM |

20 Amp MPPT & PWM Solar Charge Controllers

MorningStar’s 20 Amp solar charge controllers are designed with the latest cutting-edge technology and provide maximum performance and reliability.

The EcoBoost 20 amp controllers are designed to be highly efficient and accurate, automatically detecting 12 or 24 V system configuration and ensuring that batteries reach a complete state of charge.

The SunSaver is the world’s leading small solar controller, renowned for its dependability. It is widely used in both industrial and consumer markets, and is trusted for its reliability in essential applications where precision and reliability are essential.



Battery Voltage

Battery Chemistry

Charge Rating

The maximum current that the charge controller can accept from a PV array to charge batteries.