40 Amp Solar Charge Controllers

ProStar MPPT

Charge Rating: 25 | 40 | amp

Batteries: 12 | 24 | Volt

Max Voc: 120 V

Professional Series , MPPT |

EcoBoost MPPT

Charge Rating: 20 | 30 | 40 | amp

Batteries: 12 | 24 | Volt

Max Voc: 120 V

Essential Series , MPPT |

40 Amp MPPT Solar Charge Controllers

The ProStar MPPT™40 amp solar charge controller is designed to be used in a wide variety of off-grid and grid-tied photovoltaic applications, including residential, commercial and industrial applications.

The EcoBoost MPPT™ 40 amp solar charge controller utilizes Morningstar’s proprietary TrakStar Technology™ to bring an unparalleled level of performance to our new line of Essentials controllers and accessories. Featuring an intelligent system that automatically detects 12 or 24 V system configurations, these highly efficient and accurate controllers are designed to ensure that batteries reach a full and complete state of charge.



Battery Voltage

Battery Chemistry

Charge Rating

The maximum current that the charge controller can accept from a PV array to charge batteries.