Download the latest EMC-1 firmware update and MSLoad utility software below. This firmware update contains all fixes to date. Only the latest firmware update needs to be programmed into the EMC-1.



Watch How To Update the Ethernet MeterBus Converter (EMC-1) Firmware for instructions.


Release Notes


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 25.0 

(Release Date:  Web – 3/7/24)
(Release Date: Production – 6/4/24)

  • SNMP Read Community String can be Edited to Custom Name
  • Adds SNMP Community String Field to the EMC-1 Network Page in LiveView


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 24.0 

(Release Date:  Web – 10/20/23)
(Release Date: Production – 6/4/24)

  • SNMP TSMPPT Erroneous 160A Battery Current Reporting


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 22.0 

(Release Date:  Web – 3/9/23)
(Release Date: Production – 3/9/23)

  • Supports both original flash chip and extended flash chip


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 21.0 

(Release Date:  Web – N/A)
(Release Date: Production – N/A)


  • Rapid HTTP Requests resulting in 404 File not Found Error
  • Abondoned HTTP Requests resulting in web pages not populating
  • SSMPPT Load aH register correction


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 20.0 

(Release Date:  Web – N/A)
(Release Date: Production – N/A)


  • TSMPPT Amps Scaling 


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 19.0 

(Release Date:  Web – N/A)
(Release Date: Production – N/A)


  • TSPWM Data Scaling for Charge Current, Array Voltage, PWM Duty Cycle, Diversion Current, Load Current, Load Voltage


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 17.0 

(Release Date:  Web – N/A)
(Release Date: Production – N/A)


  • TSPWM Displays Correct Operating Mode
  • PSMPPT Liveview Data Fixes for Charge kWh and aH


  • SNMP will work with Controller Modbus Id’s other than 1


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 15.0 

(Release Date:  Web – 3/4/20)
(Release Date: Production – 9/21/20)

  • SNMP v2c compatibility for supported Morningstar products MIB files Included in distribution
  • Intermittent socket leak requiring reboot to resume communications
  • Updated and improved lightweight IP stack (LwIP)


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 10 Build 1
  • 24V Meterbus Link Fix


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 9 Build 1
  • DHCP overwrite fix
  • Static IP Disconnect/Reboot Fix
  • Mem handling locking
  • Task priority adjustments
  • Time slicing disabled
  • TSPWM Boot Sequence Fix


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 7
  • Added support of TriStar MPPT 600V charge controller.
  • Ethernet Writes DIP 1 now limits EMC-1 firmware updates.
  • Enhanced the System page to display EMC-1 faults, alarms and a button to reboot the EMC-1.
  • Added Reboot button to the firmware update completion page to allow remote resetting of EMC-1.
  • Increased serial response time-out to better support ProStar MPPT and ProStar PWM Gen3 products
  • Improved MODBUS TCP/IP connection handling eliminate loss of network connectivity when using MSView.
  • EMC-1 will retry detecting a lost controller before rescanning all possible device IDs.
  • Editable fields and the save button are disabled if Ethernet Writes DIP 1 is OFF.
  • When a settings change is made and saved, the EMC-1 will reboot properly after the user selects to reboot the controller from prompts.
  • Added firmware update failure notification pages.


Ethernet MeterBus Converter Firmware version 6
  • Initial Release