


Morningstar Solar Charge Controllers & Inverters

Is your system less-than-perfect? Ultimately, the health of your batteries will tell you that. But that’s a hard and expensive way to learn! Instead, learn how choosing the right solar charge controller up-front can make or break your off-grid system.

This webinar is conducted each month to introduce individuals to Morningstar and off-grid solar. It is also appropriate for experienced professionals who are looking for a refresher, or to have their pressing questions answered by one of our engineers. Attend this webinar to receive One NABCEP CE credit and  learn about:

  • Battery charging stages
  • Differences between PWM and MPPT controllers
  • Effects of oversizing PV arrays
  • Efficiency variations with output power
  • Electronic and environmental protections
  • The latest charge controller and off-grid inverter features, capabilities and accessories
  • Bluetooth mobile apps and communications
  • LiveView 2.0 dashboard for remote monitoring and interactive system setup, programming, and modification

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All Times in US Eastern Time

Past Recorded Webinars

Your Battery Questions Answered

BAE Battery joins the Morningstar Team to thoroughly examine and answer questions about common “rules of thumb” concerning lead acid and lithium batteries in off-grid applications.  View this webinar to learn more about the “fine print” in datasheets, manuals, and other sources that you need to read to really understand:

  • Depth of Discharge effects on battery life
  • Temperature effects on battery performance
  • Recommended Days of Autonomy
  • Recharge rates
  • How to choose among Lithium and AGM, Gel, and Flooded Lead Acid batteries for your application

Controladores e inversores de carga solar Morningstar

Morningstar continúa siendo el proveedor líder mundial de controladores e inversores de carga solar durante más de 27 años. Este seminario web se lleva a cabo cada mes para presentar a las personas el Morningstar y la energía solar fuera de la red. También es apropiado para profesionales experimentados que buscan un repaso o para que uno de nuestros ingenieros responda sus preguntas urgentes. Únase a este seminario web para aprender sobre:

  • Etapas de carga de la batería
  • Diferencias entre reguladores PWM y MPPT
  • Efectos del sobredimensionamiento de los paneles fotovoltaicos
  • Protecciones electrónicas y ambientales.
  • Características y accesorios del controlador / inversor
  • Controladores de carga de alto voltaje
  • Monitoreo remoto del sistema, incluido el protocolo SNMP

Off-Grid System Monitoring & Control

This webinar hosted by Canadian distributor, Charge Solar, features Morningstar Senior Account Executive, John White as the main presenter of off-grid system monitoring and control enabled by the GenStar MPPT solar charge controller.  View this recorded webinar to learn more about Morningstar Corporation and its relationship with Charge Solar and:

  • The advantages of the GenStar MPPT DC Solar Charging System
  • Core GenStar MPPT features
  • LiveView 2.0 system monitoring/control of loads, generator starts/stops, battery state of charge, and alerts
  • ReadyBlock products that support the GenStar MPPT
  • How to commission the GenStar MPPT and the compatible ReadyBlock products
  • Answers to questions from webinar attendees

How to Power Telecom Sites in Challenging Locations

This special joint webinar between SFC Energy and Morningstar shares how solar hybrid fuel cell systems are used to power telecom sites in locations that are difficult to access and service because of terrain and proximity.  Join this webinar to learn about:

  • a green alternative to a genset (ESG Friendly Option)
  • a proven extremely reliable source of off-grid power
  • the components that make up a solar hybrid fuel cells system
  • remote monitoring
  • competitive total cost of ownership
  • examples of successful deployments in telecom applications

Latest Developments Morningstar’s GenStar MPPT & ReadyBlocks as of November 2023

Special thanks to Chris Brown, AltE Store’s Chief Business Officer, for hosting and inviting Morningstar’s Brad Berwald to be the featured presenter in this webinar.  Brad provided a comprehensive look at the GenStar MPPT Integrated DC system controller’s new capabilities that offer sophisticated customization and comprehensive control over your entire off-grid PV system.  The GenStar MPPT is constantly evolving, and we’ve released several new software features that we want to tell you about including:

  • Newest firmware updates for the GenStar and Ready Block system accessories
    • New battery state of charge (SOC) feature in the Ready Shunt
    • SNMP protocol support
  • LiveView 2.0 integrated web app that offers a comprehensive system dashboard to monitor your entire system
  • Integrated Bluetooth monitoring
  • The Morningstar Android and iOS mobile apps
  • Lithium and lead acid battery charging options
  • Best practices to deploy your GenStar MPPT and ReadyBlocks to manage your loads, batteries, and enable complete system monitoring and communications

全新SureSine逆变器和GenStar MPPT充电控制器

请观看webinar,向您介绍Morningstar的全新SureSine 离网逆变器和GenStar MPPT 直流太阳能充电解决方案

(Recorded webinar about SureSines and GenStar MPPT’s delivered in Chinese)

GenStar MPPT DC Solar Charging System Overview & LiveView Demo

See a real field system specification example involving GenStar MPPT–the Industry’s first fully-integrated Solar DC System Controller in a remote industrial application that addresses:

  • Configuration of external source control for equipment such as generators or fuel cells and integrating that power into your total system view
  • Battery interface and charge settings including support for direct communications with lithium battery BMS systems
  • Multi-tier prioritized load control with scheduling
  • Aux system control functions
  • Data Logging capabilities
  • Remote communication and control

Upgrading your critical projects with Morningstar’s new SureSine inverters

Learn the differences in inverter design, and the key features that make an inverter “industrial grade” for higher-end remote powering applications. The new SureSines will enable solar professionals to build “all Morningstar” systems with no weak links. you’ll learn about:

  • What makes an inverter industrial-grade, and the typical applications in which they’re called for
  • Communications features for remote monitoring, control, and integration into industrial control systems through open standards.
  • Device Configuration and real-time display of system performance with the mobile app, using the Bluetooth link
  • Thermal performance and temperature ratings for use in extreme climates and industrial system enclosures
  • Everything to know about application-specific product certifications and requirements
  • AC Outlet choices for a variety of global markets, as well as wiring options for professional installations
  • Powerful integration options with Morningstar products to offer additional control and system-level functionality

Morningstar’s Newest Innovations – SureSine & GenStar MPPT

Join Solar Builder Magazine and Morningstar to learn more about designing for success in off-grid solar installations, in this special webinar covering the new SureSine off-grid inverters and the new GenStar MPPT DC charging solution.  Make sure to listen to the recording in its entirety, including the Q&A session at the end.